Sunday, 19 October 2008

Action Plan....

My 10 Point Action Plan: Begins on the 24Th October:

-Watch my film text again(24th October). COMPLETED

-Complete all work set on Blog (24th October). COMPLETED

-Research more into my Theorist Stanley Cohen(26Th October). COMPLETED

-Highlight Key points of the reviews on Adulthood(26Th October).COMPLETED

-Gain a better understanding of SHEP and begin to relate it to my independent study text. (27th October) COMPLETED

-This point links to the above which is to, Research more into my relevant texts for example: Kidulthood. By doing so I will be using SHEP as I will be researching a historical media text that relates to my study and how the representations and stereotypes are shown in them and examine whether they are being reinforced or challenged in my text, Adulthood (28-29Th October).COMPLETED

-Re-phrase/ change my independent study title (28th October). COMPLETED

-Use more Book research(30Th October). COMPLETED

-Prepare to Plan out how I will begin to answer my question (2ND November). COMPLETED

-Think of and plan a brief conclusion for my Independent Study(3rd-4Th November). COMPLETED

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