Equilibrium: The harmonious state that often exists at the start of a narrative before disruptive or transforming elements are introduced. This narrative theory is useful and helpful for my text as it applies and links to my texts narrative, as I have applied the theory to my text.
Hypodermic Theory: Hypodermic theory is an early attempt in the 1930s and 1940s to explain the effects media texts have on audiences. This audience theory is useful as the news media (both digital and print) inject the audience with the idea that the teenage group are seen as a threat to the public, which this then creates moral panic within the society.
Male Gaze: Is a theory found by Laura Mulvey in her essay "Visual Pleasures and Narrative Cinema", to describe what she saw as the male point of view adopted by the camera for the benefit of an assumed male audience. This theory is relevant and useful for my text as the females in Adulthood are seen as sexual objects for the male audiences pleasure through the use of provocative clothing such as Claire. This then shows that is helps to reinforce the male gaze theory that women are presented in a certain way for the male audience's visual pleasure.
Mediation: Is the means by which, through the use of representation, a media organisation and it's employees stand between an event and the public perception of that event. This keyword is useful and relevant for my media text as the British Media do tend to mediate teenagers in a negative manner, which then allows the audience to believe that all urban teenagers are like this, which then stereotypes the whole group image of teenagers in a negative way.
Moral Panic: Moral panic is a concept and theory developed by Stan Cohen , which is when a group of people are reported in an exaggerated way within the media, which creates panic in society. This key theory is relevant to my media text as Moral Panic is emphasised in Adulthood as it exaggerates the actions of teenagers, which puts a strain on the audience into thinking that all inner urban teenagers act like this.
Representation: Representation is the process whereby the media construct versions of people, places or events of how we see gender or social groups in a particular way through the transmission of media texts to an audience. This is a relevant keyword as my text is about the representation of teenagers and how they are being presented in the British Media.
Todorov: Todorov is a Bulgarian theorist who is the founder of the equilibrium narrative. This is a relevant and useful theory as I have used this theorist that I have related to my text and have applied his equilibrium theory to my text.
Uses and Gratifications Theory: This is an audience theory, developed by Jay Blumler that focuses on "what people do with the media" rather than "what the media does to people". This audience theory is useful and relevant to my text as people (specifically teenagers) could use Adulthood for their own personal use and identify themselves within certain characters.
Youth Culture: Any youth subcultures from the 1950s through to the present day, including aspects of dress, behaviour, music preferences and relationships. This is relevant to my text as I am looking at the youth culture of teenagers and how they are being presented in the Media.
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