Friday, 19 December 2008

Essay Plan...

Have the representations of teenagers in the British Media Changed for the better or have they become worse? With Particular Reference to the film Adulthood.

My Independent study is going to focus on the way teenagers are represented in the British Media, by looking at the history of teens and how they are presented in today's media. I decided to use the film text "Adulthood as my main focus as it is the most updated media text on how teens are being represented. This will help to determine whether these representations are getting better or becoming increasingly worse. Overall teenagers are increasingly being represented in an unconstructive and negative manner within the British Media.

Introduction: (All about the Media history and teenagers)
Introduce my question, talk briefly about the history of the Media E.G:How they portray teenagers and whether they exaggerate their stereotypes and representations (H, R)

Paragraph 1: (All about the characters)
  • How they represent teenagers
  • Compare the past and present stereotypes and representations of Adulthood and Kidulthood and older film texts such as "Rebel without a Cause" (1955) and "Teenage Crime wave" (1955)
  • Whether they challenge them or reinforce these stereotypes and how they achieve this? E.G: Through the use of props, clothing, setting, language etc
  • Whether these representations are realistic or are they simply exaggerated
  • Argue both sides ( R,H, ML)

Paragraph 2:

  • Social issues, discuss and include this (SHEP) E.G: The use of drugs, how they are presented and whether or not it's accurate and to what extent this representation of the use of drugs is accurate
  • Teenagers relationships and what happens between teenagers in today's society
  • Make a comparison between both texts, Adutlhood and Kidulthood, in terms of this and to show if they have changed or are still the same (S, R, ML, H)

Paragraph 3:

  • Narrative Plot: Adulthood is set in the space of 24 hours, just like Kidulthood, does it convey a true and realistic representation of characters (Teenagers) in such as short time period?
  • Does it have an impact on the audience
  • Does it portray an accurate representation of teens in such a minimal amount of time (R,N)

Paragraph 4:

  • Stereotypes: How each character is presented?
  • Are female characters seen as objects of desire, sexual objects through the use of skimpy clothing? I would Link this to Laura Mulvey's male gaze theory
  • I will discuss whether it's a fair and accurate representation of females and would go on to discuss how both genders, male and female, are stereotyped
  • I would then expand by discussing if they are realistic stereotypes and if they are the stereotypes that are being brought to our attention in today's society
  • I will then go on to discuss how this would affect the audience and whether it would put a strain on the audience into thinking these are how all inner urban teens act
  • Then I would talk about whether these representations are accurate and fair or are they simply exaggerated by the media (I, N,R,A)


  • Summarise all ideas and points
  • Summarise points on how it challenges stereotypes and representations on teenagers and points on how it reinforces them and why
  • State both sides of the argument
  • Conclude on a final decision (R,A,H,I,S,N)

List of references to include:

  • The Cinema Book, 2ND Edition. Pam Cook & Mieke Bernink
  • Advanced Media Studies. David Probert & Andrew Graham
  • Introducing Media Studies. Ziauddin Sardar &Borin Van Loon
  • Gangs and Bullies. Rosemary Stones
  • A2 Media Studies: The Essential Introduction. Peter Bennett, Jerry Slater & Peter Wall

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